桔子折特卖网>美国正品地震应急包 家庭地震包 家用 急救包救援包GFA167 包邮
美国正品地震应急包 家庭地震包 家用 急救包救援包GFA167 包邮

美国正品地震应急包 家庭地震包 家用 急救包救援包GFA167 包邮

  • 优惠价:
  • ¥147.90 ¥148.00


  • quantumek: Excellent kits all in English. They also provided extras that were nice in our first aid kit. These kits were recently manufactured too so they look like they will last a few years. Great to have some piece of mind!
  • k**1: hao 好 NICE
  • 15103173380a: 什么都不说了,好到合不拢嘴,给的东西异常的多,以后还买
  • 风**上: 货品看起来不错 与图片上的一致 等用了以后再进一步评论
  • 西**舞: 老板给的赠品吓人的多!大大小小的密封袋装得非常仔细!